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Comparison of Korea and Japan's Export System
& Distribution Market Size

​Comparison of Export Patterns Between Korea and Japan



Regarding the used car export business, the biggest difference between Korea and Japan is Japan's auction house-centered product purchase structure and online non-face-to-face sales (export) system. In the case of export, unlike Korea, there are not many cases in which a large number of foreign buyers enter the country and purchase on-site tours in Japan.


In the case of Japan, the method of exporting alcoholic beverages is to secure advance orders and deposits from buyers online, and then receive and deliver successful bids through auction houses according to the orders. For example, 10% at the time of order reservation, 40% after shipment, and 50% of the balance as a condition of B/L exchange upon arrival at the site are general payment collection methods.


Another characteristic of used car exports to Japan is that the percentage of exports via maintenance, repair and commercialization is very low. This is not only because the cost of commercialization of maintenance is very high, but also because the minimum marketability is maintained even in the case of old used cars through regular inspections in the course of operation. It means that it is a product that can be exported without having to re-maintain and commercialize it. In fact, there is a high rate of exports where the winning bidders from the auction house are transported to the export vehicle decoration yard and shipped in an “as is” condition.


In Japan, there are not a few cases where foreigners, such as Pakistanis, register as businesses in Japan and conduct used car export business there. The owners of “SBT” and “Autocom Japan,” the largest used car exporters in Japan, are also Pakistani, and the owners of many other medium- and large-sized exporters are Pakistani. However, as in Korea, innumerable small foreign businesses register business in Korea and do not run the used car export business in an orderly manner.


In Japan, in order to start a used car export business, it is essential to register as an auction member at a major auction house. However, in order to apply for membership as an auction member, you need to obtain a used car sales license, which is very difficult for foreigners to obtain. You must meet special conditions, such as naturalization in Japan or marriage to a Japanese, to obtain a trading license. Because of this environment, registration of foreign used car exporters in Japan is inevitably limited.

​Comparison of Automobile Statistics in Korea and Japan

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