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Car Park


수출용 중고차 매입

Purchase of Used Cars for Export


Direct purchase by the direct business team

Our company directly purchases domestic and imported used cars and exports them overseas. Through competent and experienced direct management employees, we directly purchase high-quality used cars through major offline auction houses and online selling platforms nationwide.

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​Affiliate business team consignment purchase

We are also registered as a member of major offline auction houses and online auction brokerage platforms across the country, so we can secure large quantities of high-quality used cars in a timely manner in partnership with external companies.

매입차량 정비, 상품화

Purchased Vehicle Maintenance & Commercialization

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Maintenance · Restoration · Car Wash · Polishing

The used cars that our company purchases are relatively recent, mid- to high-priced, high-quality vehicles rather than old, low-priced vehicles. Therefore, there is less need for commercialization of maintenance, but if necessary, we thoroughly commercialize appearance and perform maintenance and repairs to improve performance without neglecting minor quality defects.

Our company conducts thorough quality control through a company specializing in the commercialization of export vehicles.

수출용 차량 전시 및 온라인 광고

​Exhibition & Online Advertisement


Exhibition of vehicles for export and online advertisement

We have a dedicated exhibition hall for large export vehicles near Incheon Port and Export Complex.

In addition, we have an export-related consultation office, so you can conveniently consult at any time.

해외 수출 / 직접 및 중개 플랫폼 경유

Overseas Export / via Direct & Intermediary Platforms

The vehicles we mainly buy and export are as follows.



Accident-free within 5 years

Gasoline, diesel, HEV, EV vehicles


Saudi Arabia

within 5 years

Diesel Passenger and RV Vehicles



within 10 years

Diesel Soups and RV Vehicles


Other Countries

no accident

or a good quality used car in a minor accident

해외 지사 설립 및 관리

Overseas Branch


​Improve buyer convenience and secure safety

We are reviewing the establishment of overseas branches in key strategic regions for the purchase convenience of

existing trade buyers and the stable growth of our sales and increase in profitability.

Future Plans

Establishment of
an online export brokerage platform


Used car export specialist training business

수출용 전시차량 재고 현황

Inventory status of exhibition vehicles for export

Telephone Inquiry : +82 31 5182 5810

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​A2G Networks Co., Ltd.

CEO  Shin Hyun-do

Tel  +82 32 5182 5810   I   FAX  +82 31 5182 5814​

Address  A-N214, 242, Jungbu-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

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